Cord Forest

Working from home has made me increasingly sensitive to clutter on my desk. I have a bunch of cables that mostly stayed put, but I figured I could do better. There’s lots of cord organizers available online that “pinch” cables between elastomer “fingers”. I’ve been wanting to modify my 3D printer to print TPU for a while, and this seemed like a great starter project.

As with all things 3D printing, however, one thing led to another, to another, to another… flash forward a couple of weeks and I’ve spent most of the time printing replacement parts to improve my machine just to get it to print TPU successfully. It ended up being a longer path to get there in the end, but it feels great to have tinkered with the little robot and increased its capabilities just a bit more.

The “cord forest” of TPU “fingers” slots into a PLA spring clip that grabs the edge of my desk. I added a bit of adhesive-backed rubber to keep the clip from sliding around.